
日期: 栏目:好运资讯网 浏览:3

What should I do if I miss the scheduled appointment for Su Ning's on-site evidence collection?

If you miss the scheduled appointment for Su Ning's on-site evidence collection, you should immediately contact Su Ning's customer service to reschedule the appointment. This is because failing to do so may result in legal consequences, such as being held liable for breach of contract or even being sued by Su Ning.

Can Su Ning force their way into my home or workplace for evidence collection?

No, Su Ning cannot force their way into your home or workplace for evidence collection. They must obtain your consent or obtain a court order before they can enter your property. Refusing or obstructing Su Ning's evidence collection without a valid reason may result in legal consequences.

What documents do I need to prepare for Su Ning's evidence collection?

You should prepare any documents and evidence that are relevant to the disputed transaction, such as receipts, contracts, or communication records with Su Ning. This is because Su Ning may request to inspect these documents during the evidence collection process.

Do I have the right to refuse or stop Su Ning's evidence collection?

You have the right to refuse or stop Su Ning's evidence collection if you have valid reasons, such as if Su Ning has not followed proper legal procedures or if you suspect that they are engaging in illegal activities. However, you should seek legal advice before taking any action, as refusing or obstructing Su Ning's evidence collection without a valid reason may result in legal consequences.

What are the legal consequences of refusing or obstructing Su Ning's evidence collection?

Refusing or obstructing Su Ning's evidence collection without a valid reason may result in legal consequences, such as being held liable for breach of contract or even being sued by Su Ning. In severe cases, it may also result in criminal charges. Therefore, it is important to cooperate with Su Ning's evidence collection process, unless there are valid reasons not to do so.

In conclusion, Su Ning's on-site evidence collection is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. It is important to understand your rights and obligations, and to seek legal advice if necessary to avoid any legal consequences.
